The International Workshop on Multimodal Information Analysis in Social Media (MIASM 2024)

Affiliated to: International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing 2024 · (BESC 2024)
BESC 2024 website :

A social media analysis task usually involves processing of multimodal information in order to obtain valuable insights about the data, a situation, or a higher-level activity. Examples of social media analysis tasks include semantic concept detection, audio-visual speaker detection, human tracking, event detection, etc. The existing literature on multimodal fusion research in social media is presented through several classifications based on the fusion methodology and the level of fusion (such as feature-level, decision-level, and hybrid). In this workshop, we welcome the research works aiming to solve the issues related to multimodal information analysis in social media.


Workshop topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Multimodal social media information analysis
  • Multimodal social network analysis
  • Multimodal semantic web
  • Collective intelligence
  • Social recommendation
  • Social influence and social contagions
  • New theories, methods, and objectives in multimodal social science
  • Multimodal digital humanities
  • Crowd dynamics
  • Virtual communities
  • Multimodal decision analytics
  • Societal impacts of information system
  • Web mining and its social interpretations
  • Sentiment analysis, stylistic analysis, and argument mining
  • Opinion mining and social media analytics
  • Credibility of online content
  • Personalization for individuals, groups and populations
  • Privacy, perceived security and trust
  • Ethics of computational research on human behaviour

Paper Submission

  • All submissions should use IEEE two-column style. Templates are the same as those for the main conference (BESC 2024). All papers must be submitted electronically through the paper submission system in PDF format only. MIASM 2024 accepts long research papers (6-8 pages) and short research papers (4-6 pages). The page count includes the references.
  • Paper review will be double-blind, and submissions not properly anonymized will be desk-rejected without review.
  • Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.
  • Papers must be clearly submitted in English and will be selected based on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation.
  • Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the workshop to present the work.
  • Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements and indexed by EI.
  • The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text.

Submission website

Important Dates

  • Submission of Papers: 26 June 2024
  • Early Notification: 01 July 2024
  • Early Registration Deadline: 01 July 2024
  • Late Notification Deadline: 06 July 2024
  • Camera-ready Deadline: 10 July 2024
  • Workshop Date: 16 August 2024

Workshop Chair & Co-Chairs

Prof. Yi Cai (South China University of Technology, China)

Workshop Chair

Prof. Yi Cai is a Professor at the South China University of Technology. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and postdoctoral fellow of City University of Hong Kong. His research interests are natural language processing, multi-modal information processing, knowledge graph, and data mining. Professor Cai has published more than 150 papers on international journals and conferences such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Transactions on Affective Computing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, Neural Networks, AAAI, ACM MM, ACL, EMNLP, COLING and CIKM. He has won many academic awards,including the second Prize of The Science and Technology Award of the China Computer Society in 2018, Silver Award at the 47th Geneva Exhibition of Inventions. Professor Cai has served as the Chair and program committee member of several well-known international academic conferences, including the PC Co-Chair of APWeb-WAIM 2018, IEEE DSC2020 and ICEBE 2021, and the Demo Chair of WISE 2019, DaSeM 2014, SeCop 2013 and SeCop2017, etc.

Prof. Junying Chen (South China University of Technology, China)

Workshop Co-Chair

Prof. Junying Chen is a Professor with the School of Software Engineering, South China University of Technology. She received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from The University of Hong Kong and the B.E. degree in electronic and information engineering from Zhejiang University. Her research interests include multi-source/multi-modal feature fusion, image processing, deep neural network models, etc. She is the featured Distinguished Speaker of ACM, the Distinguished Member of CCF, and the Senior Members of IEEE. She published more than 50 academic papers as the first author or corresponding author in TPAMI, TNNLS, TMI, CVPR, etc., published 2 books, and edited 3 conference proceedings. Her research outcomes have been selected into "Technical Public Welfare Case Collection in CCF 2022".

Dr. Zhenguo Yang ( Guangdong University of Technology, China)

Workshop Co-Chair

Dr. Zhenguo Yang is an Associate Professor at Guangdong University of Technology. He received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from City University of Hong Kong. His research interests include multimedia, multi-modal fusion, social media mining, opinion mining, etc. He has published more than 40 papers on conferences and journals, such as IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TMM, ACM TOMM, ACM TOIT, ACM MM, IEEE ICME, ACM ICMR, ACM ICMI, etc. He has served as Publication Chair of DSC 2020, Publicity Chair of SeCop Workshop on DASFAA 2017/2018, PC member of ACM MM 2020/2022, KDD 2022, IJCAI 2021/2022, WSDM 2022, IEEE ICME 2021, WISE 2019/2020, etc.

Dr. Yanghui Rao (Sun Yat-sen University, China)

Workshop Co-Chair

Dr. Yanghui Rao is an Associate Professor at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou. He received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from City University of Hong Kong. His research interests include natural language processing, social media analysis, and topic modeling. He has published more than 50 papers on conferences and journals, such as ACL, IJCAI, EMNLP, NAACL, COLING, IEEE TKDE, ACM TOIS, ACM TKDD, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TCYB, etc. He has served as Area Chair of ACL 2024, Demo Chair of APWEB-WAIM 2021, PC member of WWW 2024, KDD 2022-24, ACL 2021-23, IJCAI 2021-24, and AAAI 2019-24.

Dr. Jiexin Wang (South China University of Technology, China)

Workshop Co-Chair

Dr. Jiexin Wang is a Research Associate Professor at the School of Software, South China University of Technology. He received the Ph.D. degree in Informatics from Kyoto University. His main research areas include information retrieval, natural language processing, with a focus on pre-trained language models, time series analysis, automatic question answering, and code generation. In the past three years, he has published multiple high-quality papers as the first author or corresponding author, especially in major international academic conferences on information retrieval and natural language processing, such as COLING 2024, EMNLP 2023, SIGIR 2023, SIGIR 2022, SIGIR 2021. Additionally, he has served as a reviewer for several academic journals and conferences, including SIGIR, ACL, CIKM, etc.

If you have any questions or confusion about submission, please contact us: